How Much Water is in the Human Body?

Your body has a lot of water. Certainly, but what quantity does this vital liquid represent exactly? And how is this water distributed in the human body?

Water is an essential element for life and this is reflected in the importance of this liquid in the composition of the human body .

The average quantity of water contained in an adult organism is indeed 65%, which corresponds to approximately 45 liters of water for a person of 70 kilograms . The total water content of the human body depends on several factors (body size, age in particular: more information in the CNRS file ).

Specifically, almost 60% of the human body of an adult male is water, which is roughly equal to 42 liters of water in a 70 kg person. In women, due to the higher proportion of adipose tissue , this rate is 55%.

At birth, this percentage even reaches 78% in babies!

Distribution of water in the human body

This water is not distributed evenly in the human body, some organs contain more than others:

  • lungs: 78%;
  • blood: 79%;
  • brain: 76%;
  • smooth muscles: 75%;
  • bone : 22.5%;
  • adipose tissue: 10%.

Every day, the human body eliminates 2.4 liters of water through respiration, sweat, urine … This volume of water must therefore be replaced by drinking and food to avoid dehydration .