In the fight against misinformation, Twitter is far ahead of Facebook

Twitter has added new functionality that could significantly improve user information. When a user clicks on the “like” news button that is incorrect, they will be notified that the content is untrue.

Spreading misinformation and fake news on social media is one of the problems highlighted by the recent US presidential election. Facebook and Twitter. This is evident in the news that has been and still is being shared about the pandemic.

Social networks have taken significant steps before the election and malicious sharing of fake news has decreased. However, the sharing of this news mostly comes from the users themselves. Some of the announcements came with the message that this is news whose veracity is disputed.

The mere addition of tags announcing that some content is not true reduces the citation of these tweets by 29 percent, Verge reported .

Facebook activities this time are aimed at increasing the relevance of certain news agencies. With this the idea is to increase the participation of relevant agencies in the news. The new changes will increase the posts from CNN, The New York Times and NPR, at the expense of Breitbart or Occupy Democrats for example, reported the New York Times . For now, these changes are temporary and will probably take until the US election process is complete.

Some of the employees in the social network now think that this change should remain and become permanent. At the moment, the thinking on Facebook is divided, some of the employees are for limiting the misinformation and the content that divides people. The other side fears that such measures could slow the growth of the platform and even cause more regulation.