Train your brain on the go to easily build new neural connections

In order for the brain to feel vigorous, you need to pay attention to it. In fact, a few minutes a day is enough, start with the simplest.

Train your brain without interrupting your current affairs? Easy. Five ways to create new neural connections:

1. Do the usual things in an unusual way

Try brushing your teeth or typing messages on your phone with your left hand. This instantly “turns on” the brain, it will be easier to cope with the task every time.

2. Game “photography”

We go to a store or a transport stop by the same route, everything that comes across along the way has already become familiar. Try mentally “photographing” one of the pictures, and on the way back (or the next day) note what has changed.

This includes mindfulness, memory, and observation. Children traditionally play this game better than adults.

3. Observing emotions

As a rule, we notice emotions already at the moment of their very vivid manifestation. But every little thing: spoken or heard word, every movement, thought, change in the external environment, affects our feelings and emotions.

Try to track how interest gives way to enthusiasm, gratitude to suspicion, confusion by irritation, alertness to relief, indifference to appeasement.

This will contribute to the development of emotional intelligence, improving interoception (inner feeling of oneself).

4. Mathematical calculations

Count all the time: Subtract, multiply, add and divide store numbers, car numbers, friends’ birthdays, and so on.

5. “Traveling through the body”

Listen to the body: which part of the body is tense, which leg do you start moving with, which part of the foot predominantly holds the body?

If there is a surface under your hands, tap it with your fingers one at a time, keeping everyone else relaxed. If your toes are free, try playing the piano with them, alternately moving them.

The game develops proprioception (the sense of the body in space), details the “body map” in the brain, ultimately improves the quality of movement and coordination.