Exercise helps to effectively relieve headache

Headaches can strike at any time, especially when the weather changes. Pain affects health and performance. When you have frequent headaches, taking pain relievers will not be a good solution. Therefore, you should apply a few exercises to repel the pain effectively.

Headache is the most uncomfortable feeling for each person. Headaches are caused by many causes, can be a sign of a disease, possibly due to weather changes, emotional disturbances, fatigue and stress, … Current pain reliever abuse now increasing the number of people with headaches and worsening the pain level. Research has shown an increase in the amount of free radicals in the body of headaches, especially those with accompanying stress.

Headache is considered more of a symptom than a disease, not only seen in neurological and psychiatric specialties but also occurs in many diseases.

Regular exercise can reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches. Exercise helps the body release many endorphins hormone, which is considered the body’s natural pain reliever. Additionally, exercise will help reduce stress and you will sleep better at night, eliminating the two most common migraine triggers.

As recommended by the American Health Association, you should exercise for a minimum of 150 minutes per week. Can be divided into 5 times, each 30 minutes. You can also meet this goal by doing it three times for 10 minutes a day.

Sitting posture open chest.

Notes on practice

Hydration before, during and after workouts: Make sure you don’t let your mouth dry and sweat excessively. If you are thirsty, it is a sign that you are significantly dehydrated and may cause headaches. If you sweat too much while you’re exercising, it also increases your risk of dehydration.

It is recommended to have a snack about 1 hour before exercise: Exercise makes the blood sugar level in the person drop, so it is essential to store energy before exercise. Protein foods or whole grains are a good pre-exercise snack.

Finally, warm up gently before starting to exercise vigorously as there can be a risk of headaches or migraines.

Choose to practice science

Choose exercise activities that you enjoy to increase pleasure in exercising and get better results. Identify exercises that match your personal style.

For those who like the natural environment, cycling, outdoor hiking, swimming is quite interesting.

If you want to focus, you can join martial arts, yoga for headache …

If you like socializing and having fun, you can take part in aerobic, zumba with the club, play tennis, take exercise classes, go dance, or play a round of golf with friends.

Schedule the best time for yourself and keep your schedule in a habit. If you want to join a gym, find a convenient location with convenient workouts.

Wall-leaning posture.

Yoga exercises to treat headaches effectively

The exercises below are designed to gently stretch and expand muscle areas, while circulating blood to the brain helps stop a headache as quickly and safely as possible.

Posture to sit open chest wide: The posture of the head, holding the back neck, then doing the opposite will focus on the neck and chest in front. It also helps to reduce the pressure on your back, one of the reasons for a headache. Sit on heels, put your hands behind your feet about 25cm, and bend your neck back. This move helps your head feel light and open, so hold it for 5 breaths or more if it feels comfortable.

Stretching sitting posture: Occasionally headaches can be caused by neck pain, so relax this tense muscle area. Sit comfortably, place your left hand on the right side of your head and gently pull so that your head is tilted to the left. Hold for a few breaths and then slowly switch sides. Repeat on both sides a few times.

Wall-leaning leg posture: This restorative yoga pose will help the body spread the most tranquil comfort. All you need is a wall. Sit as close to the wall as possible. If you feel uncomfortable, rest your buttocks and lower back on a small folded blanket. 2 legs closed or wide bipedal are okay. Close your eyes and breathe, staying in this position for as long as possible.