Spring fatigue- What to do ?

Most people are familiar with spring fatigue. The first warm days of the year lead to tiredness, exhaustion, dizziness and circulatory problems in spring for many people. When the temperatures rise, every second person in Germany feels irritable and exhausted, tired and lacking in drive. It takes the body about four weeks to get used to the spring temperatures.

Easy and Effective Tips to Deal with Spring Fatigue - PRETEND Magazine

Springtime  Tiredness

Weather changes such as the capricious April weather also often lead to the adaptation phase being extended: The constant alternation between warm and cold stress the circulation especially of people who are sensitive to the weather: especially when the temperatures rise, the blood vessels expand and the blood pressure falls. There is nothing you can do about the general weather, but the typical complaints of springtime tiredness can be kept within bearable limits with sun, air, exercise and the right diet.

Spring Fatigue: Cause

When the days get longer and the temperatures rise, our body only slowly gets going because the internal clock first has to adjust. The cause of spring fatigue is not yet fully understood. What is certain, however, is that the two endogenous hormones serotonin and melatonin are involved in symptoms such as dizziness, circulatory problems or fatigue.

Serotonin is responsible for activating the body and for a good mood. The hormone is produced under the influence of light. The light stimuli reach the hypothalamus, a hormonal gland in the brain that controls the production of serotonin. The more and the longer our body is exposed to natural light, the more serotonin it can produce. The increased sun exposure in spring thus boosts our serotonin production.

With the increase in serotonin, the production of melatonin is reduced at the same time . The so-called sleep hormone ensures that we can sleep restfully at night.

The formation of both hormones in the body is therefore largely regulated by the amount of light: In winter, when it gets dark early outside, the message to the body is more likely to be “hibernation”, while the spring light signals “waking up”.

5 Tips Against Springtime Tiredness: What To Do?

  • Lots of exercise and walks in the sunlight stimulate the hormonal balance.
  • Alternating showers harden the immune system and make you ready for the beginning of spring.
  • Resilience is good, but not overwhelming. End an active day with a cozy evening.
  • A lot of vegetables, fruit, lean meat, whole grain products and legumes displace the winter fat.
  • Vitamins, minerals and trace elements can help with persistent tiredness, exhaustion and concentration problems.